MISSING – Der Turm der blauen Pferde by Franz Marc
The painting Der Turm der blauen Pferde by Franz Marc has been considered lost since World War II. The exhibition represents a search by artistic means.As the main element for the exhibition design, we chose an expressive rhombus: The shape of one of the horse’s eyes in the vanished painting. In the main motif, the rhombus reveals a detail of the painting—like looking through a keyhole. With this, we underlined the criminological aspect of the exhibition. We also applied this approach to the catalogue, into which we inserted loose pages. Each sheet depicts a different fragment of the painting. When assembled, they form the entire painting—however, each individual section has been treated differently. This represents the fragmentary history of the artwork and refers to the different reproductions and publications of the disappeared painting, which i.e. used to be printed on matchboxes. The brutal anecdotes surrounding the painting—it is also assumed that it was destroyed—inspired us to work with bold typographic contrasts. The two exhibition locations—Haus am Waldsee and the Staatliche Graphische Sammlung Munich in the Pinakothek—featured the same design, but in two different shades of blue.
Year • 2017
Client • Haus am Waldsee Berlin and Staatliche Graphische Sammlung München
Media • Visual identity for an exhibition at two venues, with various applications (billboards, posters, flyers, postcards, banners, advertisements, exhibition catalogue (21.5 × 28 cm, 168 pages), text book (12.5 × 19 cm, 80 pages), exhibition brochure, exhibition graphics, etc.).
MISSING – Der Turm der blauen Pferde von Franz Marc • Billboards
MISSING • Billboards
MISSING • Poster
MISSING • Invitation cards, flyer, exhibition booklet
MISSING • Invitation cards, flyer, exhibition booklet
MISSING • Invitation cards, flyer, exhibition booklet
MISSING • Invitation cards, flyer, exhibition booklet
MISSING • Exhibition catalogue
MISSING • Exhibition catalogue
MISSING • Exhibition catalogue
MISSING • Exhibition catalogue
MISSING • Exhibition catalogue
MISSING • Exhibition catalogue
MISSING • Exhibition catalogue
MISSING • Book design of author Julia Franks’ exhibition participation
MISSING • Book design of author Julia Franks’ exhibition participation